really need this. i hope your flights go smoothly and that the trips are good.
wishing you safe flights and a lovely time on your trip!
it’s 9:30am and I just finished prep for my slow cooker stew and it’s cooking
come down to arlanda airport in the next 2 hours if you want an asskicking
the name thing on the booking wasnt even the slightest question lol i really didnt need to lose my mind so much we in there!!! my days going great (has to sit in boring ass arlanda airport for 2 hours doing nothing because i always show up 3 hours early to airports because what if)
downloaded obsidian today bc i want to make a pseudo-wiki for my story :) (<-- still procrastinating on writing the actual story)
“just a little more worldbuilding then I’ll start writing”
had a pretty good day. had a day out w our dad and his gf, went to this place that was a combo restaurant/store thing that was full of like fresh made and imported italian food and candies and pastas and breads etc that was all so expensive and it all looked so good. i’m so fuckjng jealous of anyone who can really afford that shit (though our dad did get us a bag of tiramisu chocolates).
we ate at the fancy restaurant and i had some damn good pasta. also the waiter gave us a free tiramisu as a congrats for beginning culinary school :3 then we went to a card shop which was neat, we gotta go back there some time.
OH also for our upcoming birthday apparently our dad is making us a knife which sounds awesome and we’re super excited for
saw an owl on our walk. we heard it before we saw it fly past us.
: an old man asked us what our tattoo meant at work, and when we told him it was the trans symbol he went “ah! Very nice!” so my day is going well :3
Better than the last guy who asked, but at least that guy you got to laser eyes meme irl.
Finally feeling mostly alright after having the flu this weekend, and actually had the energy to take care of myself today (actual skincare routine instead of “desperation shave to keep the demons away”). Feeling pretty good.
weekend and honestly a few days leading up to it were tough and leading to Sensory Overload, had a good reset nap yesterday and even though today is Exhausting cause still recovering from overload and doing job applications and starting school and etc. etc. etc. its a nice day because i know for at least the rest of today i dont have to worry about other people coming in my room so take THAT trauma brain (no trauma brain dont take anything you dont want just simmer down thank you)
It was a rough one. We said good bye to our old cat, Freya, last night and I could get myself moving, I felt mostly just like i was going through the motions. Got real bad in the train station waiting for my train cause people love to play shit through their phone’s speakers or worse, an external speaker. I ended up crying a little when i got on the train cause I already miss that old beast.
The fucking weather is edging me. Dump the snow overnight and call it a snow day dammit I don’t want to go to work
At least it looks nice. Enjoyed the view from my window today
Absolutely, looks lovely. I’m over the cold already though no more thanks.
Have been pretty busy with the new job, but mainly because they give us free food and I very much insist on milking that for all it’s worth especially given prices right now.
I still feel like I am adjusting to normie sleep schedule; I basically was exhausted both the past two weekends, though I also think the political onslaught has a lot to do with that also.
Here’s hoping my energy and mood picks up soon.
Downside to WFH: no snow days. Though it’s quiet since a lot of the libraries are closed because of the weather.
I am asking So Fucking Nicies for someone to tell me that it’ll probably be okay if i ask our manager to let us go home a bit early due to feeling like warmed up garbage for so many reasons