The Obsidian Topic

@crow mentioned it as a possible thread idea so here ya go! I’ll probably be posting:

  • plugins
  • structure ideas
  • resources
  • stuff I’m working on in obsidian
  • publish tips
  • themes I like lol

Excited to see how everyone’s using it!


I’ve been trying Juggl, which allows some repositioning and new like, default organization of the graph nodes. They can be sorted in a circle style, hierarchal, and… I forgot the others. I think it allows you to manually reposition some as well if you want your own layout.


I use it but in an extremely basic way because I have some trouble wrapping my head around the Cool Features. It’s kind of ended up just as some nested folders for sorting text documents.


I also set up my first template today, so I can quickly get a framework for every city/town/landmark, since it preformats headings for Region, notable NPCs, Environment, and Events in it. This way I can try to keep things on the similar format.

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Was using it to map out a hexcrawl-style thing for Valiant Horizon Tactics, because the canvas feature made it super easy to keep track of what I had left to do:

(I guess don’t try too hard to read it if you’re hankering to play it cold, haha. It’s pretty low-res though so you’re probably fine.)


  • Dragged the background image into the hex.
  • A note for every hex and region. Region notes go on the canvas.
  • A card on every hex with a link to the corresponding note for easy access.
  • Added emoji to each title to let me know at a glance what’s on each hex (fight, loot, quest stuff, an area that tells you about other areas, etc) so I can balance it out a bit easier.

Less basic:

  • Two dataview-notes on the left. The top one has every hex in numerical order and a counter up top to show total progress (X/36). The bottom one has the same info but broken out per-region.
  • That X/36 is tracked by the number of notes that have both #hex and #done tags.
  • I added in supercharged links and style settings: links show up purple by default, but turn to green when they have the #done tag, because that lets me know at a quick glance which ones I’ve not-started (made the name “TBD”) vs started vs finished.

Is your Hex also a background image that you duplicated and then put other stuff on top of?


Yeah, I’d made the map separately as an image and then placed things on top of it in the canvas.


Random Tips:

here’s a fun dataview query you can use to show you all the notes you’ve updated on that particular day. could put it in a daily note template.

TABLE dateformat(file.mtime, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a") AS "Last Updated" WHERE (date(file.cday) = date( OR date(file.mday) = date( AND != AND != "Kanban" SORT file.mtime DESC

Here’s my homepage. The sidebars allow for a lot of customization!

I mostly use the PARA method to organize stuff, loosely.


That’s a basic backbone but I stray away from that and mostly backlink everything to everything else.

Plugins I Like

  • Buttons
  • Calendar
  • Chronology
  • Dataview :star:
  • Footnote Shortcut
  • Image Converter
  • Longform
  • Media Extended
  • Omnisearch :star:
  • Plugin Update Tracker
  • Quick Switcher++ :star:
  • QuickAdd :star:
  • Recent Files :star:
  • Share Note
  • Soundscapes
  • Strange New Worlds
  • Style Settings :star:
  • Typewriter Mode :star:
  • Various Complements :star:

Stars are for the ones I think are all but essential, feel free to ask me what any of the specific ones are!

Themes I Like

  • Border
  • Catppuccin / Anappuccin
  • Ukiyo
  • Minimal (created by the Obsidian CEO before he became CEO!)
  • Royal Velvet
  • Tokyo Night

You can use the Style Settings plugin to customize a lot of these even further


part of what I’m using Obsidian for is bullet journalling, so I have templates set up for daily/monthly notes etc. using the Periodic Notes plugin and todos using the Tasks and Rollover Daily Todos plugins. was making some edits to my templates for the new month and my housemate asks me what I’m doing. I said ‘fucking around in my Obsidian vault’. there’s a long pause. I turn to him and say ‘I just realised how metal that sounds out of context’, he’s laughing like ‘yeah I didn’t know how to ask what the hell do you mean your ‘obsidian vault’?’


this hex idea would be great for my ryuutama game. stealing. thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


“dont talk to me or my obsidian vault ever again (friendly)” :joy:


wait actually, how did you make a hexagonal map? or did you have an existing thing? I’m so computer illiterate and i like obsidian but am way out of my depth

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Yeah, I made one in an external program (Affinity Designer, in this case) and dragged the exported image in, haha. There’s like no way you’d be able to make that in Obsidian.

okay, so then like, how are you putting things on top of that? cause i dropped a hex map into a canvas but then I can’t seem to really interact with anything beyond like moving it around?

I think i’ve got it now, i’m just a fucking dumb ass.

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Yeah I just created cards and dragged them on top of it/etc.

If you’re bored and looking to go down a bit of a rabbit-hole this fine friday:


“Ah cool, I can export my obsidian document as HTML with this plugin! Awesome, it’ll keep me from having to make all the unordered list things”

“Oh this is a mess. The preformatting is a pain to go through and why is this block of text so random and making it hard to find out where my stuff actually is???”

I’ll mess with settings later, but for now… I need to use fewer lists.

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The main thing I do is that I have, docked to the side, a note called “Todo Sidebar”.

It just contains a bunch dataview queries over tasks in my vault:

  • scheduled tasks (things I’ve given a date that are due today)
  • upcoming tasks (things I’ve given a date that are due within a week)
  • shopping list (tasks I’ve tagged #buy)
  • general todo (a list of all open untagged tasks without a due date)

“Copy to HTML” plugin did exactly what I needed it to. Set a hotkey and it copies it with the lists and paragraph breaks as needed.

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I restarted my computer and mysteriously my interface font has stopped working. I tried removing and re-applying it but no dice. as far as I can tell I do still have the font installed correctly. anybody had this before/know how to fix it?