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Last time, we had a fantastic voyage to the center of Joseph’s brain. This time, we finally get a chance to relax and putz around a hub town.
Cascada: Steel, what’s the rundown on the Stand users in the area?
Steel: That fight left quite a bitter taste in my mouth… Though Enya’s an enemy, I can’t help but pity her. There don’t appear to be any Tarot assassins in town, but I do sense a Stand user’s presence in that peculiar mansion. And it reeks of blood… Whoever’s in there, he’s a cold-blooded killer. Once you’re finished with your preparations, go to the meeting point at the harbor down south.
Cascada: A mansion? I won’t have to put any crests into any slots, will I?
Steel: …probably not…
Cascada: Hmm.
Mr. Tutorial’s also hanging out over here.
Those giant flies that spew fire… That’s a Stand called Fireflies! It’s easy to see where the name comes from. It implants fire into the bodies of actual flies and controls them. It takes a lot of energy to make them that big, so the user’s pretty weak.
I stock up on some curatives. I’d rather not be dipping into the usable-in-battle drinks while on the field if possible.
Cascada: You holding up okay after that Steely Dan stuff, Mr. Joestar?
Joseph: I never want to see the insides of my own body ever again…
Cascada: Wanna walk around and get some local food?
Joseph: …Okay.
Cascada: The elderly tend to be targeted more often. I’ll look out for you.
Joseph: I didn’t have a wacky minecart chase with an ancient superbeing while actively bleeding out to take lip from you, kid.
Karachi’s a small but relatively dense map with a lot of enemy encounters, probably to make up for the fact we just went through four story segments without a real chance to grind or stock up (no, the Foggy Village and Rest Stop do not count). We go for a broad clockwise lap with Joseph in tow before I realize I probably should have switched it up a little more.
Just on this shot alone you can see three things chasing me down, and a fourth is covered by the text box.
Cascada: Oof. Guess my sister is gonna have to settle for the Chinese tea set.
As an example, here’s a bus from Amherst, Massachusetts that was painted by Phool Patti, a truck art business in Karachi:
Cascada: Is that a hospital over there?
Joseph: Urgh… do we have to?
Cascada: We’re just asking around. They’ll know the best lunch spots.
This is a full heal, albeit an expensive one. If you recall Update 6, you can get the Sickly trait early on by telling Mom you need extra medicine, which causes a variable to tick up until you pass out and either respawn at the hospital or skip a day resting at the hotel. Getting an examination will reset that back to zero.
More RPG Maker wackiness: the way the variable ticks up is that there are a smattering of tiles on each hub map that’ll increase it. It’s entirely possible to either skip them by chance or blunder into all of them and screw yourself over.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan
The mansion is the big optional thing here in Karachi, if you haven’t realized by now.
Cascada: I thought this was SUMMER vacation…
It ain’t winter here but I am attempting to write this update in 90+ Fahrenheit weather. That’s 32-35 for you Centigrade folks. It sucks and I want to go to sleep.
Also, this girl is a cameo of Part 6’s protagonist, Jolyne Kujo.
Cascada: -sigh- Should we check out this mansion, Mr. Joestar?
Joseph: With me? Are you sure? What about your Friendship Tracker?
Cascada: Wait you know about that?
Joseph: We hear you talk to your pocket radio all the time but everyone’s too polite to say anything.
Cascada: I, uh, I mean… let me think about it.
Where doesn’t! Global warming!! Ahhh!!!
A couple of player Stands can help fix this problem, but with a few more provisos than usual. You need to be at least level 30, have over 300 SP, and the Holly Timer has to be under 30 days. At least, according to my guide; I’ve never actually seen this one.
Murderdolls are still here. There’s only one new entry on the encounter table in Karachi, but I didn’t screenshot it until a bit later and placing images out of chronological order actually makes it a fair bit more tedious to assemble these updates.
thanks guy who let me into his house on a street in Karachi, i’ll keep that in mind
(i feel like “haha people let you into their house in jrpgs it’s so weirdddd” jokes are fruit hanging so low they have already fallen and fermented on the ground and been eaten by monkeys who think they know how to “fix” jrpgs but as noted it is 95 degrees outside and also jojo nominally takes place in the real world so i mean cut me some slack okay…)
We may have to investigate this.
Cascada: How’s this place look for lunch, Mr. Joestar?
Joseph: Hrm…
Joseph: Oourgh… maybe I’m still too queasy…
Cascada: Normally I’d say something but you get a pass this ONCE.
Joseph: Hol Horse…
Cascada: Oh right, should we get some takeout or something?
Joseph: Shhh!
The game screws me over here. I said ages ago that Joseph’s food commentary is only in Hong Kong and Singapore because I genuinely thought that was the case. Turns out, no! It’s just a fucking random chance it happens while he’s in your party!! Why!!! (We will accordingly give Karachi the proper Food Tour treatment later, I promise.)
A slightly weird thing for another Part 6 cameo (Foo Fighters, aka F.F.) to say but whatever. These days it’s more about getting hit by a bus and then getting some kind of cheat skill or whatever (isekai sucks do not @ me).
Joseph: …
Cascada: …? What’s up?
Joseph: Hm? Oh, nothing… Just got me thinking about an old friend.
Cascada: What did? …The bubbles?
Joseph: Yeah… They remind me of a buddy of mine who trained in the Ripple with me and fought by my side a long, long time ago.
Cascada: Is this the guy who actively worked with the Nazis?
Joseph: There was a lot going on back then! The entire world was at stake!!
Cascada: The Ripple, huh? I learned a bit from a manual back in Calcutta.
Joseph: You did!? Normally it takes decades of training or a genetic predisposition…
Cascada: If it’s just special breathing, how did you train it?
Joseph: Well, there was a giant spire covered in oil…
Cascada: never mind let’s move on
That kid mentioned a game at the bookstore…
Cascada: Sorry kid, maybe you should have killed more assassins and taken their money.
We didn’t even have to wait in line and get robbed by a yakuza punk, leading Kiryu Kazuma on a wacky chain of events, to get it! Or wait for Square Enix’s overpriced remake!
A bit north and we’re back where we started.
Joseph: Sorry, Cascada. I think I’ll just go rest in the hotel. I’ll buy you dinner later, okay?
Cascada: Oh, fine. Take care, old timer.
There’s another restaurant in the upper right corner of the map.
Cascada: How’s the food here, Polnareff?
Polnareff: It’s exactly the same as at the hotel.
Cascada: Okay, come on…
Polnareff: Non, non, I’m serious. EXACTLY the same.
Cascada: Huh. Bizarre…
I obviously haven’t been posting screenshots of it, but we’ve been fighting a ton of encounters around here; I’m trying to get everybody up to at least level 24. Naturally, Cascada’s higher than all the rest.
Cascada learns her penultimate (natural) technique!
It’s not very strong at all, but it’s Quicksilver’s only Short-range attack and gives Cascada some much needed sustainability especially when supported by another party member. We’ll see it in action soon, but first we need to detour into the “I Load My Save After This Because I’m Still Trying To Keep Polnareff’s FP Down” Zone.
Cascada: What’s wrong, Polnareff? You don’t look so good…
Polnareff: M-my stomach just started hurting really badly…
Cascada: When was the last time you took a dump? Be honest.
Polnareff: …
Cascada: WHEN!?
Polnareff: …the charter ship…
Polnareff: I’m about to!
Polnareff enters and exits in a moment.
Cascada: …Polnareff?
Polnareff: Cascada, my friend! Life is wonderful! I’ve never felt so refreshed! You’re not gonna believe this! This house’s toilets… are western style! Da-dadada-daaaaaaa!!
Cascada: …T-that’s nice…
Polnareff: C’mon! Let’s move it!
This event boosts Polnareff’s FP by a full 3 points, equivalent to covering his back as he confronts his sister’s killer. Alas, I load a save immediately afterwards, so Polnareff is denied his sweet relief and drops back down to 7.
Also, I know what I said a while ago about trying to keep Jotaro, Joseph, and Abdul even, but it looks like that ship has mostly sailed due to my own negligence. Jotaro was in the lead for the back half of the poll anyway, that’s the story I’m going with. Speaking of…
Polnareff: I really need to find a bathroom that doesn’t use a squat toilet…
Jotaro: What about the hotel room?
Polnareff: …I’ll see you later.
Jotaro: More dolls… is that Joey guy here?
Cascada: i shall tear out his tongue burn his skin freeze his eyes but i shall permit him his ears so he may hear his own screams his nose to smell his own filth every instant of his worthless existence will be a living torment
Jotaro: …forget it.
He’s pretty far ahead of the rest EXP wise, so we roll with Jotaro pretty much only to get his event in the map.
Cascada: You were too soft on him.
Jotaro: He’s just a civilian… Didn’t even need my Stand.
Cascada: You should have AT MINIMUM thrown him in the sea.
Jotaro: Gramps told me there were zombies around… but Enya’s dead…
Cascada: (Vins was here…)
Here are the new enemies, which have about 200% and 130% of the HP of a bog-standard zombie respectively. They are accordingly no threat whatsoever.
There’s a bit of extra dialogue if we speak to the Jolyne cameo with Jotaro in tow.
Cascada: Damn, you struck out harder than Kakyoin.
Jotaro: -frown-
Cascada: Yeah, they got everything here. I snagged a copy of Dragon Quest III.
Jotaro: Kakyoin said something about that earlier. Don’t remember what.
Cascada: Hey Kakyoin, you know about this Dragon Quest thing?
Kakyoin: Is there anyone from Japan who doesn’t? It’s sold out nationwide. Anybody with a Famicom is desperate to get their hands on it.
Cascada would absolutely brag about it, but we need to get Kakyoin over a certain FP threshold for an upcoming battle. Alas.
Kakyoin: !!
Cascada: Check it out, Kakyoin! Dragon Quest III!
Cascada: I-I’ve been suckered!!
If you’re with Kakyoin when you go into the bookstore, he’ll stop you from buying the game, even if you go back later with someone else. We do not want this to happen, because Dragon Question III is a special tool that will help us later (in NG+).
Cascada: I’m gonna kick that shopkeeper’s ass. Who’s with me?
Jotaro: Sounds boring.
Cascada: Killjoy.
Cascada: Huh. Gotta be honest, didn’t expect that.
Kakyoin: How dare this filthy foreigner trample upon the sanctity of the greatest of Japan’s creations, the humble and venerable Dragon Quest! No punishment is too great!
Cascada: …I’m starting to rethink this…
Cascada: Hey, so, I just bought a game from you guys…
Shopkeep: No refunds.
Cascada: Take a look at the box, chief. We both know there’s some bullshit here.
Shopkeep: No refunds, my learned Nipponese friend.
Cascada: You’re starting to ask for it…
Kakyoin: Cascada, please! Let us handle this without resorting to physical violence, in an elegant manner befitting of a gamer.
Cascada: OKAY we’re going back outside now
Shopkeep: What’s your damn problem? I get all my merchandise from legitimate sources, like the secret shop in the alleyway.
Cascada: Woah oh? Secret shop??
Kakyoin: This wrong must be righted, Cascada!
Cascada: How about you take a deep breath first, then we find this so-called secret shop?
10 is all we need for the story event, and 10 is where I’ll try to keep it. It’s really hard to lower FP in 7SU.
At any rate, forgive me; I’m cutting the update here because A) it is too damn hot to keep going right now and B) Justice and Lovers cumulatively took about 4-5 updates worth of work. Yall can deal with more Karachi next week when we finally investigate this mansion and wrap up the last couple of events. See you again!