USA Election Quarantine Zone

I would absolutely believe that most of the people who would consider voting for the greens were deeply turned off at the presidential level due to leaning into the activation and transphobia sides of things. Anybody wanting a more leftist alternative to Harris would be alienated, so it’s not a particularly useful protest vote.



ty for ur time


Reeeeeeally hoping my “feels like Austria in 1936” sentiment about living in Canada rn is just pessimism and cynicism. Do not let me be a Cassandra.


Ah, a good time to resurrect this thread. Will try to keep perspective and not collapse entirely into the doomposting when I need to Scream


it’s time for resources to do stuff instead of wasting away from the horrors. just some stuff i’ve converted or stumbled across in the past bit


for how to handle situations like this, see the article How to Support Immigrant Communities During ICE Raids

protecting fellow workers

for some political strategy, see UFCW 3000’s The Building is on Fire! It’s up to labor, not the billionaires, to get us out.

actions you can take

  • Some Actions That Are Not Protesting or Voting
  • Resistance Guidebook: “Maybe you’re wondering, “What should I do in these times?” What we have put down here are some meaningful places to start — doable, local, impactful, and important. =It is not intended to be inclusive of all options — we’re trying to offer places we see people making impacts and avenues that as experienced organizers thinking about these times we see as worth going down. Where possible, we offer names of groups who are organizing such things and can help you plug in to their strategy.”
  • Finding Steady Ground: “To be in shape for the long haul, we have to get our minds and spirits ready, as well as jump into action. When we’re in bad shape, our power is diminished — we’re less creative, more reactive, and less able to plan strategically. If we intend to stay active and effective in the world, we have a responsibility to tend to our spirits. Here are 7 behaviors we can use right away to strengthen ourselves, so we can keep taking more and more powerful and strategic actions.
  • Library Action Resource Center: “As reactionary forces target libraries through book bans and some liberal politicians propose funding cuts instead of increases for libraries, it’s essential that more leftists become involved in their local libraries. The Right is focused on taking over public institutions to privatize & weaken them. We on the Left(s) must focus on strengthening and expanding public institutions that we value. For The People is an explicitly political project aimed at building power on the Left(s) to protect, defend, and expand public libraries in communities across the county.”

today’s resource:

Call to Action

Hi! I’m so glad that you found this article and cared enough about this issue to click on it. I’m going to warn you right now – this article is 24,000 words long, and if that length is daunting to you, please pick and choose the parts you’re interested in. There is a LOT of advice in here for a lot of different people, including a long historical and legal section, some very depressing insight about fascism, and a step-by-step guide for every relevant interest group about how they can help preserve trans literature. It’s a lot! But don’t panic or click away – we need all the help we can get right now, and I’ve summed it all up in a tidy little list for you here. There’s a table of contents right below this that you can use to navigate.

Here is a quick list of the key points from this article:

  1. Republicans will likely try to criminalize our ability to discuss and distribute trans literature using the internet, and we don’t have robust networks in place to keep our communities organized or to preserve our access to trans literature if that happens.
  2. Centralized institutions are more vulnerable to fascist state violence, and you can’t rely on non-profits, social media sites, online stores, or even websites like this one to retain your access to trans literature in a worst-case scenario.
  3. Almost every point in the action plan found in the second half of the article can be distilled into two key bullet points:
  • Create a Microlibrary: Start a personal offline collection of trans literature. Save as many pieces of trans media as you possibly can, including the free stuff. Do not keep it in the Cloud unless you’re using a foreign server and provider. Make copies. Practice secure digital hygeine and encrypt your data. Pool your resources with friends. The more places people keep and hide their books, the more likely it is that at least one copy will survive even a worst case scenario.
  • Organize Locally: Find your local community before things get bad. Develop offline strategies to distribute and market trans literature. Make your books available to trans people in your city, county, or neighborhood. Support local authors, or make yourself available to local readers.
  1. Every person can take these two actions American or not, and the more people who take them, the more effective they will be. Fascism is a global threat. You can start today.
  2. It’s better to be prepared than sorry. Analog library building and local organizing will be beneficial no matter what a Republican administration does, so you should start now. We don’t have the luxury of time.

WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW: Before you do anything else, I would highly encourage that you download a PDF of this article so that you will be able to refer back to it if this website is forced to shut down under a Trump Administration. I would also highly recommend that you download a PDF of Essays Against Publishing by Jamie Berrout, which contains more crucial information. Let these be the first two texts in your microlibrary. You can download both by clicking these buttons:


Transfeminine Review seems to (collectively) know their stuff. Reading Bethany Karsten’s call to action was what got me to start trying to organize and compile my collection of pdfs, and also to buy more physical books. And as she points out in the article itself, these strategies can be applied to other marginalized literatures as well

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Sorry to double-post, but the EO on freezing federal funds & aid is throwing a wrench both in my job (annual fieldwork is funded by federal grants) and our roommate’s healthcare. For now we should be alright, given some alternate planning, but it’s the first blow of many


yeah this shit fucking sucks, and like, federal funding & aid is for EVERYTHING, my PhD friends, my Section 8 friends, my SNAP friends, everyone’s freaking out and wondering what’ll happen next. it makes it very hard to just sit here and pretend like shit’s normal and i can work at my silly little worthless capitalist job lmfao


blocked speedily, thankfully–although we’ll have to see if they still try and do it in violation of the court order. i do expect this one to end in a loss regardless, since it’s blatantly unconstitutional and illegal, and also a change to checks and balances that the Supreme Court would be unlikely to legitimize even in the worst case scenario


Yeahi feel it. Im trying to kick myself to get involved with a local foodbank. Or maybe see if i can join my local chapter of food not bombs. I need to figure out someway to put a deadline on this stuff, cuz its been slipping my mind since 2024.


trying not to freak it tonight folks


today’s resource: propaganda is fun

consider printing these out and putting them up in your neighborhood if you’re American (last two by GOLIKEHELLMACHINE)


today’s resource:

An empowerment campaign to prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE).


thank you for the resources alyaza, im building up my offline library now :saluting_face:

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I think the rich fucks in the alcohol industry who helped elect ol’ Donnie did not factor in how serious Canada would be about taking their products off our shelves. LCBO in Ontario is arguably the world’s largest purchaser of alcohol and they WILL feel that market disappearing.

It also might finally spur us to get rid of some of the weird trade barriers between provinces up here.

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I realize this isn’t Your Problem but the links in the “some actions that aren’t protesting or voting” document aren’t working, do you know if there’s a different version?

that is the canonical version as far as i’m aware

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Posted the tesla one near where a cybertruck owner parks.


today’s resource: