What are you playing (/running) (tabletop/board/etc game edition)

Caves of Qud thread got me thinking about Numenera again. CoQ is so goddamn Numenera it hurts.

Numenera kicks ass and I can’t wait to run it again. I just have too many other games I want to learn to run first before I go back.


Playing as a GM was odd for me. It called for a different kind of prep than I was used to. It felt awkward when I ran some of the given adventures. Once I made my own adventure/city it went a bit smoother but I’m not sure if it’s something I’d play again. I at least want to try it once more with people who’ve never played a TRPG, I feel like it’d be a good first game and I’m curious to see how true that is.


I need to reread the Numenera rules from the Jade Colossus adventure because it had a kickass dungeon generating system in it. I used a bit of it for a one shot as an interlude in my Shadowrun game.


I’ve been playing a Lancer campaign for a little under a year, the first time that a game of mine actually lasted more than a couple months, and it has been a blast. We’re sadly heading towards the end of the narrative, as the GM has told us they are feeling a little burnout, but it was still mighty enjoyable and has made my weeks much better (being on a sunday not only made it so that I don’t dread that day, but also being the week in a great mood)

My FabU game fell apart a while ago, so I’ve been thinking of something else to do on fri/sat. Have been considering running my own Lancer game, but I also don’t want to get stuck on the same setting for too long. Currently reading about FIST which might make for fun chaotic times, though learning a whole game to run is far more complicated than just playing.

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This has been kicking ass. Casually generated up 10 rooms and connecting hallways, and threw them together in Dungeondraft. Using the roll tables for like, 90% of things, the last 10% is deciding when I shouldn’t add extra exits to a room/hallway.

What I’ve got so far:

  • A room with a crystal dome showing the layout of the dungeon (hilarious this was a room connected to the entrance)
  • Combat encounter with a couple living mechanical vaults, in a small room.
  • A sealed door that leads to a hallway that wraps close to the other rooms, almost like a service tunnel, but something has been keeping trophies in there in the form of teeth.
  • A long rectangular room full of small orbs that absorb light and disintegrate things thrown into them, which then leads to a different combat encounter and item cache.
  • Beyond the map room is a room with a medical machine that can do wonders, and repair any injury, but may malfunction. Also tries to replace your mouth with a slot that can only take nutritional paste.
  • Connected to another weird space that’s full of 10 different exits(!) and small tornados that move randomly, until they detect a creature, then they hone in on them.
  • In the middle of that room is a sealed entrance to a room with weird gravity, as a shimmering black viscous liquid flows up from the room below. It sounds like laughter when jostled.
  • Connected to the tornado room is a 15 foot circular room made entirely of mirror.
  • Connected to that is a room that spins. On which axis? We’ll see!

This generator rules.


Not sure which generator you’re using, but I’m a big fan of Sersa Victory’s Cyclic Generation for mapping general structure: Cyclic Dungeon Generation by Sersa Victory

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The Jade Colossus module for Numenera has a system for generating your own ruins/weird caverns, and other dungeon like places. I’ve been using those tables.


Hopped on the Lancer West Marches server I play once in a while and had an absolutely devastating mission. Successful, but devastating. One player took 2 structure and 2 stress, another 2 structure, one took 1 structure and 1 stress, me and the last one took 1 structure each.

I barely got to apply any Overshields (as an Emperor, which is more or less their main thing) because it was an Escort sitrep and pushing enemies away from the cargo with Puppet System or Hacker I took priority, plus my Structure gave me Stunned and that wasn’t radical.

edit: For non-Lancer players: When you lose all HP, you lose 1 Structure and may have a piece of your mech break down, or take a heavy negative status. When your Heat (think of it like a second HP bar) goes past its capacity, you take 1 Stress and may take another type of heavy negative status. We were breaking apart by the time it was over.


Damn, that’s some decent damage your team took, but it’s rad that you were able to push through for the win.

Edit to avoid double posting: I am currently working on a fuckin’ Numenera West Marches hex crawl type game. Seems perfect for drop in/drop out play.


Today in my usual Lancer campaign we played for the usual session time of 3 hours then spent another 3 hours in chat talking little about Star Wars, Star Trek and talking a lot about how the United States and England sucks

Best session that I had in a very long while


I don’t really TTRPG much as I’ve had mixed experiences over the years, but I do board game quite a bit. Lighter since 2020 and since going back to school but it’s been picking up.

Lately friends and I have been really into trick taking games. Got some new games and reissues from Tokyo Game Market a few weeks ago and got to play a bunch.

One of my faves has been Nokosu Dice, where the main gimmick is that you draft dice and then have to use them as you would cards, but one of them will be your bid for number of tricks you’re aiming for. Changes up the thought space of the game really nicely.


That sounds really cool. I suck at trick taking games but that’s a cool twist on it.

Edit: Started poking around in Obsidian as a way to potentially organize the Numenera thing I’m working on. Seems neat at first glance.


I am perhaps not that great at using it but I love Obsidian. Use it to pre-write all my cohost posts and the LP updates now.


I have fallen down a hole with Obsidian lately for writing a hexcrawl. Holy shit are dataviews useful.

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Obsidian feels very good to write in, I used it for my first campaign, and if any of the others I have in my head ever come out, I’ll most likely use it again


This is where I’m at with Obsidian after ~1 week of use, trying to make a Numenera Hexcrawl. It rules.


As an obsidian sicko, all of this pleases me


[guy who has also been using Obsidian for a week voice] dedicated Obsidian thread when?

(I will formulate a better post for this thread tomorrow. I see you, trpg sickos. I am among my people :relieved:)


FINALLY ran my main Valiant Horizon game earlier this week again, we’d been out awhile because of travel and sickness and other reasons. The week before though I did run the updated Liminal Void quickstart and that went over pretty well! The group only had an (intentional) body count of 1 which is pretty good all in all.

Make it and I’ll definitely post in it!


Using a Canvas to put dungeon idea seeds, NPC name lists, and other ideas that scratch paper would be for. Incredible.

The Numenera dungeon generator from the Jade Colossus has kicked ass so far in use, now that I got the whole thin in Foundry so I can use Dungeon Draw to make the dungeons as I go. A series of rolls led me to create a secondary reason for being in the dungeon, in a way I didn’t even think of initially.