What are you playing (/running) (tabletop/board/etc game edition)

Had a pretty annoying session in my West Marches Lancer server last night, though I’m not sure about calling it terrible given how quick it was for me. I’m not gonna lie though, I got mad (though I just accepted and left the chat, didn’t make a scene in the call/server)

In this server I main the Emperor mech, a squishy, low HP type that has Overshields (Temporary HP) and can grant it to allies. Its very evasive, but if it get hits there’s no armor or anything else to block damage (I did have 1 Armor for this combat only because of a Reserve, one time use item).

On the first turn, I give some general buffs to my teammates and advise they Hide instead of charging ahead; we were warned this would be a ‘lethal’ mission, so caution would be good. I didn’t Hide myself because of the buff giving ate my actions, but that’s more of an annoyance to the enemy who would need to use a Search action before attacking, plus I’m a little behind the others and also in cover.

Then the GM teleports a Ultra type enemy - as in, actually uses an ability to teleport 50 spaces away - straight to the backline and goes for me. So far so good, I imagined that it was meant to give us a scare. It misses the first attack and hits the second, and its weapon “attacks” twice on hit, so that’s two strikes on me. Then the Ultra acts again (it has two ‘activations’ meaning it can take two full turns in a single round) and attacks me again. Then it Overcharges (gets 1 extra action) and uses it to place a Lock-On on me, which grants it accuracy on the next attack, and hits once more. Both of those hit, meaning 5x attacks in a row and I lose 2 Structure (think HP bars). At any point it could’ve used a Search action to find the other party members who were right there or general debuffs, so its getting a little weird.

The next turn, another player who was ahead falls back and attacks the Ultra to pull it away from me. He hits one attack and manages to Ram, which knocks it Prone (I did raise his roll by 1 to make sure the Ram hits, as I can do that as a Reaction in a turn). I guess now its a little more even.

Then the GM immediately acts as the Ultra, clear Prone and goes for me again. It Overcharges once more - another Lock-on - and attacks me another two times with a Barrage (using all its weapons as a single action). That’s 3 Structure and my mech is down. And I’m there like :man_standing: okay, guess that’s my job done, gg everyone.

I did talk to him afterwards - way afterwards because, again, I was actually kinda mad, there aren’t a lot of people in this server that run games in my night time - and explained that there is “hard” and there is “unfair”. The enemies are not stupid, but they’re also not mind-readers, and he’s supposed to react to the game as a GM, and not think like a player who “wants to win”. When you beeline for the healer/support like that and explicitly attacks him, going so far to ignore another player who is attacking you, its just straight up bad GMing. He asked me why I didn’t say anything about it in chat (which, honestly, kinda baffling) and I told that was not even the first time has done the exact thing against me, ignore players attacking an enemy and making it focus exclusively on me, plus I don’t want to be a baby complaining about getting targeted.


Uh oh, starting to work on a Fantasy hack for Technoir.


Aiming to start up a Quest campaign and already too excited and thinking about villainous monologues and speeches.


I think the worst part, for me, about making something is that I’ll need someone to Playtest it eventually. The act of Running Something I Made For People is horrifying.


like a campaign or a whole new system?

A hack I’m working on for Technoir.


I have only played one session with some friends but I did enjoy it. I’m hoping we get to do something a little more involved (we had to call the session early because the DM was a bit under the weather) soon. It’s a neat system.

I’m playing an exiled elf magic academic loosely inspired by an original character from a very different, very defunct JRPG idea I had (the one inspired by Phantasy Star II)

Ooh yeah Fabula Ultima sounds really good, I’d love to play it sometime! and not just because I’m trying to write one or maybe two jrpg themed tabletop games myself

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This is a classic struggle lol. But I think it’s worth it because it’s always god to work through what’s out there already to figure out what you want to make.

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i have my critiques of Fabula Ultima but it’s the one campaign i managed to get through to completion so it had to have bee doing something right lol


I’m joining another Masks game, hopefully this time the group won’t suddenly disband after 1 session due to behind the scenes drama!

Since I didn’t even get to play my character properly last time I’ll more or less reappropriate them, I’m still very much infatuated with the concept of the child of a supervillain playing hero.


ooo nice. i had a masks character i made that i never got to use called Hindsight - they had super-strength whenever they took their glasses off, but without them they couldn’t see shit. it probably needed to cook more conceptually but it’s pretty funny as an initial idea


that’s a ridiculous dope concept lmao


Got to play some stuff on Board Game Arena with a friend tonight. Highlight for me is definitely Donuts, which is an abstract strategy game. Basically, Connect 4 5 meets Othello.

The lines on the tiles indicate the line along which the next player can play, so if you play on a diagonal tile, your opponent gets to play their next donut on something in line with that. To make it even more interesting, if you manage to place a tile (or set of tiles) between two of an opponent’s tiles, they flip and become yours.

We played 5 games in a row of this because each game we were peeling back layers of strategy, it was great fun.


today’s West Marches

An absolute wreck (compliment) of a game, we lost two mechs and fought for our lives to ruin that Ultra Goliath Commander Merc


A friend offered to run a game of The Electrum Archives and I agreed! From reading The Electrum Archives book one, I got a lot of Morrowind and Dune vibes from it.

My character is a Houseborn Fixer from a Minor Merchant house who has been pushed out of his major House as it restructures. He’s really upset about how he’s losing the inheritance he’s due: the tithing of a trade route. After being tossed out for protesting this (embarassing his family when he didn’t back down) he’s decided to turn to dungeon delving as he plots his revenge.

Simply put, what if Paul Atreides was fighting for a gas station; and had uh no prophecy to back him up.


That sounds sensational.

Update: he got a Ruby worth 80 drops of “Ink”


I’m sure that’s fiiiiiine.

Finally getting off my ass and set up a Technoir one shot. Here’s hoping it goes well.