what’s rise of the ronin
A game that I apparently wished the universe into being ported to PC
team ninja shibusawa game, basically the nioh formula but significantly more casual and with less of a post-game.
also it’s secretly a samurai dress-up simulator
ye that’s why I asked lmao
nice, thank you
Wasn’t trying to be evasive, the article is what I know, I got no PS5
no accusation intended learning about the port was just genuinely the reason I came here to ask lmao
Been getting more into Phantasy Star IV and this game rules. I remain shocked that it came out on the Sega Genesis, like god damn.
Uncertain what to do with myself on my morning commute, i booted up drakengard and it runs perfect except when it engages the memory card, at which point audio is crunkly. Which who cares
anytime I’m in a “get to know your colleagues” meeting at work, I manage to turn the conversation to video games (or it genuinely gets people interested, which makes me happy) and it was kind of a joy to describe what I was playing this month and hear someone say, with real curiosity, “I had no idea those kinds of games even existed!”
it’s also been real cool to talk to colleagues who can tell me what gaming looked like for them in Europe in the 70s/80s/90s since so much of the conversation about gaming is US-centric.
My friend said I need to “invest in defenses” because I “keep getting oneshot” (in response to me obsessively 100%ing DW:O and ENDER MAGNOLIA in the same week)
In a moment of weakness I was struck with a powerful desire to play New Vegas and its given me an idea: demake of NV in the form of a Fallout 1/2 mod
As a result of finishing ENDER MAGNOLIA, I’ve been thinking about achievements. I am, on an intellectual level, a hater of platform-level achievement systems (Steam, Xbox Live, etc). That said, I’m also a completionist who is supremely susceptible to achievements and will do them.
ENDER MAGNOLIA highlighted something for me, though. For one, the map in the game has rooms turn blue when you’re “done” with them–fully explored, all secrets found. To me, painting the entire map blue felt like an intrinsically-motivated goal. Then, when I finished the game, I was left with five achievements to unlock–“obtain all relics”, “obtain all totems”, etc. Basically, all five of them boiled down to “buy out the shop”, because I’d already found everything that’s not in the shop.
Soooo, I spent about half an hour repeatedly running down the same lucrative money farming route until I could buy everything. And I did get my lil dopamine release from hitting 40/40 on that game.
Did it genuinely increase my overall enjoyment of the game? Probably not, to be honest. And it was completely extrinsically motivated. I ONLY did it to finish off achievements, I was never gonna use any of the things I bought (partially because I’d already finished the game, and partially because… I’d already evaluated them, that’s why they remained unbought in the shop during gameplay).
And in a way what trips me up that there’s probably not that much of a difference between a map that indicates completion for you and an achievement. And yet, one felt motivating to me, and the other I “just” felt compelled to check off.
And yet, I do like me a good checklist and the free satisfaction it brings! So I have this small conflict going on.
That said, having achievements as a standard platform-level system sucks in either scenario and it should die lol, let games have their own bespoke achievements if they want them.
Oh goddamnit, I had an idea for a gimmick character in FF14 (which is really just reusing a glam I had on for the first half or so of Dawntrail before I got antsy and switched to a hrothgal; Dragon Quest slime knight themed getup, fully realized with a slime pun name, and slime puns in my hello and goodbye macros for when I join a duty finder duty), and was then informed that actually, there’s an event going on right now letting returning players sign on for free! So I guess I’m redownloading that and getting back to leveling Paladin. We’ll see if learning and grinding EX2 and 3 (and maybe also leveling crafter and gatherer classes) is enough to get me to consider a full resub, I should at least be able to do the 7.1 msq in whatever the free time limit is
I can’t believe it…Auldnoir @Lea-Crosscode is now real
Man, I gotta finish that game.
after Nier: Automata.
This sorta reminds me of my relationship with Yakuza games. The Amon fights are the one thing i have to do to consider a Yakuza game 100 conpleted for me.
Most of the games in the series have alot of minigames i dont really caee about and only interact with to do substories that will unlock the Amon fight, and i think that’s a better way to do achievements. Im sorry, but i will never become a master of mahjong or shogi in a RGG game unless it’s an obstacle to the fight with big A.
Like getting a high score or doing something cool. Even if it’s something only you find cool. Platform level achievements sorta set a standard and that can lead folks to think they’re “bad” at the game if they dont achieve it. In my opinion this sorta takes the “play” out of video games.
Never expected it to happen but Time Travelers on 3DS has been translated.
i keep wanting to play valkyrie profile but it feels too intimidating LMFAO