Yapping About Video Games Thread

I think Valkyrie Profile was my first jRPG experience that wrecked me emotionally, but also it has one of the most baffling True Ending Routes ever done, even years later playing with a GameFAQs guide by my side it was still very precise to get

And that’s not even mentioning the actual combat.

2 is a lot more straightforward, not in just that regard but structurally-wise, but man, its An Experience to play an obtuse game like this.


Valkyrie Profile 2 was also a game that, much like Birdy The Might, inspired thoughts in me that I’ll refuse to delve too deep on, but would be something like “I wish I had a friend inside my head that would talk to me during the day”

There are not enough psychologists available for that one.


I still remember the True Route Antagonist’s name even though I played it like 15 years ago. The requirements are insane–they technically make sense in hindsight, but there’s no way anybody did that on their own tbh.

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RPG Maker VX Ace is on giveaway at Steam

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Now i have to think, “when would i even need to make an rpg?” Vs. I cant pass that deal up.


snagged that for SURE. apparently i also have another of the rpgmaker games in my library, which i have no doubt i Also got for free lol

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alsooooo playing more hello kitty island adventure and it’s like, definitely an animal crossing rip off with some qol features + a bigger open world but it’s comfy and fun so. Shrugs


if its XP, I also have it, and it was also free lol

Got into a few conversations about pokemon so now that’s on my mind a ton… kinda really wanna play one soon, might put the postgame/dlc content for Scarlet on as my next casual project, or else restart Leaf Green or Emerald or something. When I did the main story of Scarlet I elected to just say fuck it and catch and use the pokemon I found that I liked, and consider balance as a secondary concern, and it was kind of a blast, didn’t even bring my starter into the elite 4. I think LG is gonna be the one to win the contest, because its got Porygon and Victreebel, and Venemoth, and so on, whereas Emerald has Nincada, and Sableye, and Aron, and… fuck, maybe I do wanna play emerald…


Animal Crossing has a lot of characters who would fit in well with Aggretsuko but only Hello Kitty Island Adventure has the Aggretsuko


i wanna play spirit swap but im sleepy :tired_face:

(i have like .02% reason to be commenting in this thread so when i have the chance i jump at it)


just rolled credits on Yakuza 7. gaem good :saluting_face:


Some 3-decade old footage of upcoming game industry stuff from a Japanese show called Tonight. Found this while looking for footage of the “Spring Man” Sony demo that got turned into Jumping Flash, and sure enough said demo appears at 3:22 and 5:35! Some other things in here too. Old game history can be so much fun to deep-dive into, especially on the non-US side.


Straight up lost myself playing ffvi on the train. I looked up and I’m more than halfway home. Feels good! Though man, some of these late game enemies are insane and others are just obnoxious.


Started adding idle games to my Backloggery, its silly not to considering how often I played these, and the only reason holding me back was the thought of “not really videogames” which is probably the worst mentality to have


Also finished the Great Ace Attorney duology last night. I am not a Game Finisher (I was 136+ hours into Y7 by the time it ended and I’m pretty sure I started GAA over a year ago) so this is huge for me, I think being in groups where people play games but aren’t excessively GamersTM is really encouraging me to play more :sweat_smile:

spoilers for both games: also it’s a very strange coincidence that both very different games I finished this week end with the main characters choosing not to tell a character who doesn’t know who their real birth father is (but we know) the truth about their birth fathers because giving genes doesn’t make a father and found family is the truest family :pleading_face:


mentioning this here because I’m not actively playing Leaf Green, I just did this to make sure I had everything I needed to do this for all my friend’s GBA pokemons when I visit them at the end of the month, but in my continuing adventures of unlocking dead mystery gift events, I’ve found the homebrew ds app that lets you inject mystery gift events into the GBA games, if you have a ds and ds flashcart! This one took a lot more effort, but mostly because no one online mentions where to go to pick the gifts up, and some imply that you don’t need to pick them up at all. Turns out you do! And you do that from the second floor of the pokemon center


I did my taxes and getting something usable for once instead of owing on federal and cannibalizing my state refund.

The current consideration is a steamdeck when OLED restock under refurbished unless there’s a better option for the money. Looking to use for portable emulator and steam games.


Playing RiftOTND reminded me of a different, older rhythm game–specifically the music in it. More specifically, Before the Echo (formerly “Sequence”), which has a lot of music by Ronald Jenkees.

In particular, Jules’ Elusional reminded me of Ronald’s Guitar Sound.

Makes sense, I was properly obsessed with the entire Disorganized Fun album back during my early Uni days.

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I played that ages ago, before it changed names. It was weird getting used to playing a rhythm game on the keyboard, but it was a pretty sweet ride. Cool game, IIRC from before the indie explosion on Steam even.

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