Yapping About Video Games Thread

Playing all the Castlevania games has been a fun enough time, especially doing so alongside the Castlevania dlc for Vampire Survivors, that I’m starting to get tempted to do the same for Megaman next, and play that gacha game that got an offline version made. On the one hand, this is not a “soon” project, because I still have a bunch of Castlevania games to get through, and I also want to do Nier and Marathon/Halo and Dragon Quest and so on in a similar style. But also, there’s a sale going on right now for a handful of capcom games and I can pick up all of the Megaman X and ZX games for a hair under 20 bucks in total, and that’s kinda tempting

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Tangential, but a friend of mine has been streaming the Make A Good Megaman Level fangames over the past couple months. There’s some genuinely cool stuff in there, on top of a lot of people’s first levels lmao


I was weak (and also grabbed Ghost Trick because that was on my backlog anyways). Also, looking a bit closer at the art for it, Mega Man character designs fuck


I got myself the first Kingdom Come Deliverance based on reading a negative review that said you’re weak and the combat is bad for 20 hours


I wanna make a joke about this, but idk if i should direct it at souls fans or eurojank fans


I staunchly believe Monster Hunter should make you do assorted gathering, fetch, and egg quests for 5 hours before you hunt your first monster, so probably more the latter


My wife, watching a video talking about Daoism: “Oh shit! Nine sols real!”



i dont have anything against this article and know nothing about this writer but i feel like “wholesome” has become the new “tenderqueer” as a term that doesnt really mean anything other than “i think this media is childish and beneath me.” i dont really understand what this paragraph is trying to say all media under the sun has characters who are sexy but dont actually talk about sex, look at any gacha game, even mario does it sometimes. dating sims without sex scenes have existed for decades and decades…?

i know there are criticisms you can make of the broad categorization of games that label themselves as wholesome/cozy and the fandom thats sprung up around it is as annoying as any fandom. but from the very beginning of the terms usage i have consistently seen more complaints about “wholesome” than praise and a lot of the time i dont really get it. like i hate toxic positivity as much as the next person but i dont know what stardew valley has to do with that.


I feel like that’s an attempt to make a Gamer™ version of the “Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny” but missing the mark because, unlike movies, there’s a lot of videogames where you can fuck. I own some on Steam. And at the very end they throw a bone to Adult Anthology Analysis and Hardcoded but like…then what’s the point of writing this?

Clearly you know there’s at least 1 porn game, and you are aware of an independent anthology that writes about them. Why aren’t you writing about Third Crisis, or Cloud Meadow, or Sugar Baby, or even the literal game you just quoted, instead of making up a problem that doesn’t exist?

We know why. Because if a major publication actually reviews a porn game, they’d get their asses got in less than a day. And yet you can write this absurdity and make some wild claims on some poor titles who have nothing to do with this.

There’s no AAA hentai game (a claim I’d dispute, at least in the old AAA terms) but there’s no AAA of plenty of things that should exist. That really feels like they wanted to make a point, while ignoring the mountain of porn games available - which only grows everyday.


I should add, I have everything against this article and this writer, and I’m disappointed that there’s already 151 comments making unfunny jokes so I can’t also show my displeasure at their sheer gall for writing such trite there


Adult Analysis Anthology literally has an article about how many porn games come out on Steam in a single year you fucking hack


thank you i tend to cushion my reactions to things like this because im always insecure about whether i have a good read or not but youre so right absolutely go off


i couldn’t actually read this article because it desperately wants to be good criticism of video games but kind of stumbles pathetically at it. It talks about a binary of horniness in games and then presents SEVERAL DIFFERENT OPTIONS.


also, wild to call out Fields of Mistria, a game that’s still in Early Access


I have similar thought about the anti-woke chuds that complain about “ugly” women in games.

Oppai chess is a 10 sequel series on steam my boy, go nuts.

At the end of the day i know it’s likely because the outrage makes money, but it’s a wild contradiction


time to start peddling my services


Did you know that if you want to rotate text on PaintNET, you have to paste it on a new layer and rotate that entirely? Absolute caveman app


Someone in a discord server I’m active in has been finishing up their playthrough of Xenoblade 2 and its given me so many reasons to infodump about Xenogears/saga/blade lore from the conversation’s just natural tangents. God I love these games, cannot wait for XBXHD


lmfao I literally did this yesterday too for exactly the same reasoning

Now see here,



I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again as i try once more to beat Earthbound: i despise Pokey

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