Cats make all kinds of things better. I am home after a 4 day boat trip and even though I slightly botched my usual “back onshore” bath, it was nice to soak for a while and now i can lie in bed until lunch
Nice lizard you got there
This is still one of the funniest things they’ve done with him
trying to get registered for this culinary school is such a pain in the ass T_T
we waited most of a week for our application to get accepted and never heard back, but it turns out it did actually get accepted and it just didn’t go through right so we were never notified.
i got all my stuff in and i thought the registration help thing was closed for the weekend? so i waited until today but no it was actually open and now that I waited everything’s taken up so I can’t get an online appointment until 9:50 tonight. i thought i could maybe register online but it turns out because they don’t have our official transcript yet our exemptions/tests haven’t really registered so i can only do it through an advisor. so 9:50 tonight it is
well i waited for 12 hours and still couldn’t apply because apparently i got in the wrong advising line. this whole thing is fucking brutal and i’m pissed off and stressed about it. the deadline for all of this is wednesday.
Definitely been stalling on the cleaning up effort, though my sleep schedule is closer to normie hours, the extra week was helpful.
Just got out of an orientation meeting, and on the bright side it turns out it’s hybrid so I’ll have two days at home. And some free food while I’m there, which I am so ready to overuse.
Think I’m going to goof off for the rest of the day just because I’ve been a bit moody.
starting to not feel good ough, might be coming down with smth…
: hopefully just dance fever
have a job interview tomorrow really need it just trying not to get ahead of myself but dont really know how not to do that. haven’t had a work experience that isnt simply something to recover from and my body already feeling like that could be a possibility has me preemptively dissociating :/
I have returned!! Social media is burning down at an even faster rate than before (SOMEHOW) and I remembered that I don’t need to be on there to talk to people about cool stuff ahaha. So hi hello again how is everyone doing
hi renkon, nice to see you! we’ve been wonderin what you’ve been up to
we’re doing well :-) i hope you’re well too!
Great to see you around again Renkon!! I hope your January is going well so far despite it all. The only other place I’m on is semi-lurking bsky and I’ve loved seeing your trip report threads when you’ve been going out places.
barquq is off becoming the ultimate wife guy so we are filling the forum with chaos and hijinx until he comes back tomorrow. the video games thread has been torn asunder and regenerated into two equally mighty video game threads. there’s piss in the dream thread. we did a lot of webfishing. and the new auldnoir mascot is the meat monger (and also agumon)
welcome back!
I love how the only thing I understand is barquq going off to become the ultimate wife guy LOL, I will have to explore the forums and rediscover all these hijinks for myself bahahahaha
Also WEBFISHING YOU SAY I have and need to get back into it bahahaha, invite me to your islands and let’s get up to shenanigans
good to see you again!
i actually had the distinct pleasure (?) of being asked yesterday evening about being on instagram and replying with “i don’t use any social media anymore” and the other person was quite surprised
okay going back and reading shark’s summary again, there’s WHAT in the dream thread
citations added o7
you were missed! hope you’ve been well
Hey hey Renkon, glad to see you back again. How’s the cat
This cat is still a menace Recently his favorite way to sleep is with his head resting on top of our right hand when we’re at the computer, i.e. on top of the mouse. It is incredible cute and sweet (I think he’s trying to get chin skritches) but it also makes it very hard to work ahahahaha. Henry, it’s not THAT kind of mouse…